Wednesday, December 17, 2014

BOLD TRICKS Blitz by Karina Halle

In case you didn't know Karina Halle has rereleased the Artist Trilogy and I am fortunate enough to be apart of the blitz for Bold Tricks... 
I LOVED this series!!
 I had a serious infatuation with all three books and wanted to have Camden's little artist babies while also wanting to kick Javier's ass!!!  

So I am going to provide my review for Bold Tricks, paste a link for the giveaway ANNNNNDDDD give everyone more information about this amazing series...
*Warning... if you did not read the first two books; Shooting Scars and Sins and Needles, then this review may give away spoilers for them*

The Faster They Live, the Harder They Fall . . .
Raised by con artists, Ellie Watt has a lot of crazy childhood memories-but none crazier than being scarred with acid by the demented crime boss Travis Raines. Now Ellie is a full-grown woman who lives for revenge, and Travis is a full-blown drug lord who kills for pleasure. The sadistic bastard has kidnapped her good friend Gus as well as her mother, whom he's been holding as prized possessions in his heavily guarded lair. And Ellie has only one chance in hell of getting them out alive-using two dangerous men who love her to death . . . One is Camden McQueen, a talented tattoo artist who's made a permanent mark on Ellie's heart. The other is Javier Bernal, her fiery ex-lover who's busted more than a few heads in his time. From the crime-ridden streets of Mexico City to the predatory jungles of Honduras, this unlikely trio forms an uneasy alliance in the deadliest game of all-a gun-blazing battle to the finish that will pit enemy against enemy and lover against lover. And Ellie must choose the right man to trust . . . or die.

Everything I wanted to happen in this trilogy-happened and I couldn't be happier with how it ended...

Ellie, let's face it, she was a big C U Next Tuesday throughout this series but this time I got to see more inside of her heart and head. She opens up and reveals the different depths and layers of her soul. There were times where I was aching and in tears because of her and I finally saw, I finally got what and where she was coming from. 
I couldn't blame her for being a cunt anymore.. 
She redeemed herself in my eyes...

"My real nature, my real self, wanted that person to believe in me, to see the good, ignore the bad, and make me feel like I had a future."

This book begins exactly where Shooting Scars left off, in the forest with Javier and Camden. They are officially on the run and must work/trust each other in order to get out of this messy situation they are all in. There is backstabbing, action, blood, gun fights, chases... everything.
More characters are introduced that I LOVED and even old characters come into play that make much needed confessions. We get the answers we want and I got the ending I prayed for!!! 

"I love you.... And I'll have you. Keep you. Own you. You belong to me, only me,  from now on."

I am literally in a book fog because of this book.. 
I don't want to sleep, eat, do anything other than think about this book.. I loved it!!! 
It was my absolute FAVORITE out of the entire series.. 
Action, sex, steam, lust, betrayal, confusion, hurt, pain, fighting, love... 
Just amazing characters, plot, everything.. 

Loved this series!

 Definitely one of the best I have read! 
I cried, I laughed, I screamed in frustration... I was a bipolar off her meds!

"Just fuck me, I told him, my mouth sucking on his soft earlobe. "Just fucking love me."

I give this entire series a 4.5/5 and Bold Tricks a 5/5!!! 


The motel room was a lot nicer than the one we stayed at before. Sort of a Best Western, middle-ground quality of place. No roaches on the floors, no geckos on the wall. Shit mattresses, I discovered as I pounded my fist on the bed, but I didn’t care.
Camden had just put the final box on my bed, Violetta sprawled out on hers in a state of drug-induced euphoria, when I noticed Javier lingering at the doorway.
“I’m going to be meeting Dom in about twenty minutes,” Javier said to me. “Is that enough time for you to get ready?”
I frowned and he quickly added, “You know he’ll want you there, if this is going to get anywhere. I figured you might want to shower and look nice.”
He rapped his fingers along the doorframe, his mouth opening as if to say something else, then he turned and walked off.
Camden eyed me. “I’m going with you.”
“You might be kind of drunk, Camden,” I told him, though the determination in his voice warmed me like the finest cognac.
“I’ve never felt better,” he said, enunciating each word. His eyes, my god they were still such a clear fucking blue, even in the pallid light of the hotel room. They bore into me with such startling clarity, sending shivers down my back like trailing fingertips. He would be coming with me.
I wished he’d be coming in me. A vision of us in this hotel room, alone, him nailing me to the bed, the headboard banging, slammed into my head.
“Are you okay with that?” he asked.
I suppressed the thought, the flare of heat between my legs, and smiled quickly. “Yes, of course.”
Meanwhile Violetta’s head flopped to the side, her arm still bound to her stiffly in the sling, and started snoring lightly. I motioned to her. “Do you think it’s safe to leave her here?”
He watched her for a few moments, blinking a few times, before saying, “I think she needs to sleep it off.” He went and sat down on my bed. “I’ll be here when you get out.”
I grabbed my bag of clothes I had brought out of the car and brought it into the bathroom. I had a quick shower, trying to rub off all the grim – both real and imagined – with the flimsy hotel soap, then picked through my clothes. Everything that had been in my trunk was musty and wrinkled, some even dirty. I had a packet of unopened (and decidedly unsexy) Hanes underwear, a bra, another pair of jeans, a pair of gladiator sandals that I thought were dressy enough, a pair of Timberland hiking boots, a plain white tee shirt, a couple of wife-beaters, a coral-colored blouse, a plaid shirt, and a light blue tank dress that went to the ground. I wasn’t exactly known for my fashion sense and even with the cherry blossoms covering the scars on my leg, bringing me beauty that I didn’t have before, I didn’t see myself branching out anytime soon. Dressing up in my old clothes for Javier hadn’t exactly helped either.
I slipped on the tank dress, opting to go commando for the evening, and put on the sandals. I looked at myself in the mirror. Once again, I felt like a different person was staring back at me. This me, this Ellie, was tired and hardened. I rubbed the residue mascara away from under my eyes and applied a new coat. My skin was brown from the sun now and I didn’t need much else.
When I came out of the bathroom, Camden straightened up on the bed. I felt strangely shy in front of him, especially as his eyes trailed up and down the length of me.
“Do I look okay?” I asked him, feeling the need to say something. “I mean, if you can see me, that is.”
He bit his lip and stared, a multitude of emotions flashing through his eyes, too fast for me to pick up on each individual one. I thought I saw lust in there – maybe that’s what I wanted to see.
When he still didn’t say anything, I walked over to the dresser where I had my clutch purse left over from the other night at Travis’s and rifled through it for my lip stuff. His silence at my back was a heavy weight, laden with too many uncertainties between us. It was eating at me, burning through me, rendering me with a lead heart. There were so many things I had to focus on, to worry about, fucking impossible things, and yet I needed him to tell me I looked beautiful. I needed him to tell me I was something to him.
I heard him get off the bed and walk toward me, that heaviness, that warmth that he brought with his bones, teased at my back. He stopped, close enough to touch me, and I was about to turn around, perhaps to do something foolish, when he crouched down.
“How is my art?”
His hands found my leg, one of them lifting the hem of my dress, the other slowly moving over the cherry blossom tattoo. I sucked in my breath, holding completely still, trying to contain my nerves that were firing wildly as his fingers ran along the ridges of the ink. He touched me gently over every vine, leaf and petal, until I had to supress a shaky moan that that tried to escape from my lips.
“It feels fine,” I said softly when I found my voice.
“It looks beautiful,” he said.
“I had a beautiful artist,” I told him. I turned at the waist and look down at him, my blue dress glowing in his tanned hand, his other one placed firmly around my calf, his strong fingers imparting heat that sunk deep. He was looking up at me, lips parted slightly.
I couldn’t take a second more of this.
I turned and dropped to the ground, my knees rubbing against his.
I grabbed his face, his rough stubble pressing into my palms, and kissed him.
There was surprise for a second, a hesitation, a pulse that refused to beat on. Then Camden kissed me back, his soft lips enveloping mine, his mouth opening to give me life. He put his hand behind my head, holding it there with power and control.
My heart was an elevator car, the cable suddenly snapped, and I was freefalling and falling and falling as his lips and tongue and hot, wet mouth took away every inch of my resolve. The more he kissed me, the deeper and longer we found each other, the thirstier I got for him. I felt like if we stopped, I would die, empty on the inside and forever longing.

About Karina Halle:
Karina Halle is a former travel writer and music journalist and the USA Today Bestselling author of Love, in English, The Artists Trilogy, and other wild and romantic reads. She lives in a 1920s farmhouse on an island off the coast of British Columbia with her husband and her rescue pup, where she drinks a lot of wine, hikes a lot of trails and devours a lot of books.
Karina’s SM:

Buy links:
Barnes and Noble: 


Thursday, October 30, 2014

{Review} {Giveaway} When We Met by various authors!


Today’s premiere New Adult authors combine their talents to tell four original stories from inside one house. 

When four girls decide to live off campus together as juniors at a college in Michigan, they expect it to be their best year yet. Little do they know, it’s a year that will change the rest of their lives.

BEHIND HER EYES by A.L. Jackson 
Unable to live down her ex-boyfriend’s deception, Misha is determined to avoid betrayal. When, the new guy next door, Darryn starts to get under her skin, her defenses start to crumble. But trusting Darryn seems impossible, especially if he’s not sure he can trust himself.
SAVING ME by Molly McAdams 
On the outside, Indy is always ready for a party—but inside she’s breaking. Kier makes a weekly routine of saving the girl next door from herself on Saturday nights… but when will she be ready to remember him on Sunday morning?
FOULING OUT by Tiffany King 
Working at a sports bar, Courtney has become a pro at sidestepping propositions from arrogant jocks—which makes her a more elusive catch for campus basketball star Dalton than he expected. But when he falls for the saucy waitress, Dalton will have to rethink his game plan to prove he’s not the jerk Courtney expects.
In order to ace her fashion internship, Chloe must team up with local college dropout and set builder, Blake—much to her chagrin. But after some "hands-on" experience, Chloe will have to ask herself if Blake factors into her carefully laid plans…



Facebook Party:

Behind Her Eyes by A.L. Jackson

Now I could feel him, his eyes all over me, caressing me slowly, up and down.

I let all my insecurities drift away as I swayed in time to the music, in sync with the throb of the 

crowd and the intermittent lights that glowed against my lids.

A charged moment passed, before strong hands found my hips and gripped them from behind. For 

a beat, I stiffened, before I again gave in to this sublime release. And again, he felt good. Right. All this 

intense energy that ricocheted between us wrapped me up in a frenzy of nerves, alight and alive. The 

smell of him took me whole, all soap and man and sex.

Oh God.

My heart beat frantically, racing to keep up with my thoughts that were spiraling out of control.

A shimmer of fear slithered through me, before he pulled my back into the safety of his firm chest.

And that was what I felt.


With him, and I didn’t know why, and I was searching inside myself for resolve, for the commitment 

I’d made to never allow myself to be so easily played again.

But it was just out of my reach.

Darryn held me close, our bodies moving in time, like we shared the same breath, the same space. 

I leaned back, my head on his shoulder as his face found the curve of my neck. Chills sped, spinning my 

body into a violent cataclysm of need. He let his hands roam, palms pressing hard as he ran them down 

the front of my legs, spanning them wide as he trailed them back up to my hips and over my stomach. 

Fingertips dipped into my ribs as he slid them up the curve of my sides, and he lifted my arms as he went, 

in the same fluid motion fastening my hands around the back of his neck.

All those butterflies scattered, a clash of discordant wings that fluttered haphazardly through my 

insides, leaving my stomach in a coiled mess of confusion and need.

Why him? Why now?

Holding me close, he brushed his mouth over the shell of my ear, his whispered words injected 

directly to my manic heart. “Goddamn, Misha. What are you trying to do to me?”

I suddenly found it impossible to breathe, because it was him who was slowly undoing all the fibers 

of reservation woven through my weakened spirit.

“Can’t get you off my mind.” He leaned in closer, his hand sweeping up my stomach. Fingers 

brushed between my breasts, and I released a sharp gasp.

“Been dying to touch you,” he murmured low.

“I’m about to embarrass the hell out of myself, but I don’t care anymore. I feel like when I’m near you, I’m safe, and it makes no sense to me. It is the weirdest feeling to have with someone I only know three things about.”
My eyebrows rose at that and I turned to fully face her. “Three?”
“Yes. Three things. Your name is Kier, you’re extremely quiet, and you are the biggest puzzle I’ve ever tried to figure out.”
I’m the puzzle?”
“Yes!” she said in exasperation.
That had to have been the most backward statement I’d ever heard. “And why am I a puzzle?”
“Because of what I just told you. I don’t know you, you don’t even talk to anyone, and I feel safe when you’re near me! Why is that? I feel like I’m going crazy because all I’ve been able to think about for these past two weeks is you, and how every time you open your mouth it’s like déjà vu, and I just—I don’t know what’s happening.” Her green eyes were massive and she looked like she was on the edge of losing her shit.
I took a few steps toward her and lowered my voice. “Calm down, Indy. You’re fine.”
“I just don’t understand,” she said loudly, the pitch of her voice rising. “Do you believe in past lives?” she asked suddenly.
I paused, a laugh slipping past my lips. “I’m sorry, what?”
“Past lives? Like that whole stupid YOLO saying is really just bullshit, because we’re about to get another shot down the road?”
I tried to contain my smile, but she was really fucking adorable when she was like this. “What does that have to do with what you’re freaking out over?”
“In stories with soul mates they find each other no matter what in every life. And it’s like they have a weird connection they can’t explain.”
I closed the distance between us and dropped my head so I was looking directly into her eyes. “Are you saying we’re soul mates?”
“No!” she said, horror lacing her voice, her cheeks filling with heat.
“I think you were,” I teased.
“I wasn’t, I was just saying that in stories . . . I don’t know what I’m saying, okay? But I don’t get what’s going on with us!” 
“So now there’s an us?”

“Oh my God,” she whispered. “I need to stop talking.”

I laughed and took a step back. “I’m teasing you, Indy. And no, I don’t believe in past lives. I think we have this one, and that’s it.”

She sighed, and her body visibly relaxed. When she spoke again, she sounded exhausted—and in a way, defeated. “I don’t, either, but I can’t figure out how to explain this feeling like I know you.”
I ground my jaw for a few seconds as her green eyes held mine. “Because maybe you do know me. You’re just not ready to remember why.”

Beneath Your Layers
Christina Lee/When We Met Anthology

I motioned for the bar. “Want me to get you a soda or a water?”
Chloe stared at me for another long moment before she said, “No, thanks.”
We listened to the next song quietly standing beside each other, lost in our own thoughts. Until she turned to me and said, “Truth or dare?”
“Dare,” I said, almost breathless. Given her mood, maybe she’d give me something good this time.
“Your turn, Blake,” she said. “Do something spontaneous.”
My fingers trembled from wanting to touch her so badly and all I could think about was doing just that.
“You sure that’s what you want?” I said, turning and backing her against the wall.
“Yes,” she breathed out.
“Something spontaneous or something I’ve been thinking about doing for days?” I said, my lips coming closer to hers. “Maybe weeks?”
Her breath caught. “It . . . it’s your call.”
My head swung forward, our foreheads practically touching. Fluttery breaths were escaping her lips. I place my arms on either side of her head and she bit down on her lip. 
My heart thrashed in my chest and all I could think about was how desperate I was to kiss her, but how nervous I was to blow this opportunity.pastedGraphic.png pastedGraphic_1.png 
So I attempted to read her signals and they were definitely mixed. Her eyes flitted between panic and lust.
When I pinned my hip against hers, I could’ve sworn I heard a low moan in the back of her throat.
“Please,” she rasped out. “Please . . . don’t . . . Blake.”
My stomach was in my throat. Fuck, either I’d scared her or I’d been reading her wrong. 
I leaned back to give her space, but her fingers suddenly skimmed across my waist, clenching my shirt and drawing me nearer.
“Don’t what?” I asked in confusion. She was so fucking messing with my head.
“Don’t . . .” She was panting now. “Don’t stop.”

Fouling Out
By Tiffany King
From the upcoming New Adult anthology 

The warmth inside the building was soothing after walking from the car outside. I felt mildly disappointed when Dalton dropped his arm from my shoulders, until he reached for my hand. As we strolled along, I became hyperaware of how something as innocent as handholding could become somewhat erotic while sipping wine together. Dalton slid his thumb across the top of my hand in slow methodical strokes before gently caressing my pulse point. The hairs on the back of my neck felt as if they were standing on end. Each sweep of his thumb was a sensual dance with my sensitive skin, making it tingle.
It was becoming apparent to me that it might have been a bad call on my part to skip lunch. Between the scent of Dalton’s cologne and the alcohol I was consuming, I was already feeling slightly intoxicated. I nibbled on a few cubes of cheese to attempt to alleviate the buzzing in my head. Dalton’s breath teased my neck, making me shiver in a good way. I should have put some distance between us so I could regain my bearings, but instead I snuggled closer to him, wishing we were somewhere else with a lot fewer people around.
All the air escaped my lungs as Dalton slowly captured a bead of wine from my bottom lip with his finger. I watched with bated breath as he moved the finger to his own mouth, sucking the drop of wine. It was all I could do not to moan as my insides turned to putty.
“You need to stop looking at me like that,” Dalton murmured in my ear.
“Like what?” I licked the rest of the wine off my lip with the tip of my tongue.
This time it was Dalton who groaned softly. Placing his hands on my hips, he slowly backed me into a dim corner, away from prying eyes. “Like you’re thinking how great it would feel if I hoisted you up on that wine barrel table over there with your legs wrapped around my waist.”
“Are you sure that’s not you thinking that?” My hips responded almost instinctively as he pulled me snugly against his body. I could feel him, rock hard, pressed to my stomach. The wanting desire I had been keeping at bay from the moment he showed up at my house looking practically delectable with low-riding jeans and a black V-neck sweater that accentuated his well-toned chest was threatening to explode.

My Thoughts

All of these novellas have a sweet story to tell and the way the authors combined their stories but made the whole book flow nicely was amazing. Honestly, I have read each of these author's previous works and even without knowing who wrote which character, I would have been able to pick out which author wrote which story. 

Each character has their own personality that was different from the others but I loved how they each got along and helped one another out from time to time. The boys in this story are swoony as hell and my panties didn't really stand a chance being around them!! If I wasn't so pregnant, my husband would have been a very lucky man but then again, on the other side, I was left frustrated so there is that ;)...

There really isn't much to say, other than if you love these authors like I do, then pick this story up and experience each novella! If you have not read these authors before and want to get a good glimpse of their writing style, then pick this book up and take a look! You will not be disappointed!! The only thing I wish was that the stories were longer because I didn't feel totally connected to each character and when I was getting a good sense of each of them, their story would end and I would have to get inside a new character... 
(I am also a very selfish book trollop so that is all personal opinion)

Overall I give this novella a 4/5 "Can I please have all the boys?" Stars!!! 


Thursday, October 23, 2014

{Review} The Collectors' Society by Heather Lyons

From the author of the Fate series and The Deep End of the Sea comes a fantastical romantic adventure that has Alice tumbling down the strangest rabbit hole yet.

After years in Wonderland, Alice has returned to England as an adult, desperate to reclaim sanity and control over her life. An enigmatic gentleman with an intriguing job offer too tempting to resist changes her plans for a calm existence, though. Soon, she’s whisked to New York and initiated into the Collectors’ Society, a secret organization whose members confirm that famous stories are anything but straightforward and that what she knows about the world is only a fraction of the truth.

It’s there she discovers villains are afoot—ones who want to shelve the lives of countless beings. Assigned to work with the mysterious and alluring Finn, Alice and the rest of the Collectors’ Society race against a doomsday clock in order to prevent further destruction . . . but will they make it before all their endings are erased?

So I have a confession to make... 
Alice in Wonderland is probably one of my least favorite stories... I think it has to do with the way the movies portrayed this fantasy land, I always felt like I was on drugs while watching them... 
Even Johnny Depp couldn't turn me on to it and I love me some him... 

Don't throw things at me because even if I didn't care for this particular children's story, I did LOVE The Collectors' Society!! 

I don't think LOVE is a big enough word for this story... It's more like obsessed, I want to capture Heather Lyons and hold her in my basement until she produces the next edition, kind of love... 

Too Much??

 Ehh... I am sort of kidding, I don't have a basement.. 

This book entranced me so much that once I started, it was 6 hrs later before I realized it was dark outside, my husband was snoring next to me and I didn't even remember the last time I went pee (which is a feat on it's own because I have a baby always pushing on my bladder)... I couldn't believe I had lost myself so wholly that I didn't even remember my husband coming to bed or that I had lost so much time. 
But I also didn't care, I needed to keep reading and finish what I started... 
I couldn't put the book down!

The characters, storyline, the way everything was presented and explained...everything about this book just kept me present and not wanting to put it down. Even after I finished reading it, I was left thinking about timelines, books I loved as a kid, what I would do if I met one of my favorite characters.. I was just so lost in this world and I am a little depressed to be done, because I didn't want it to be over!

Heather has an amazing knack for making you travel inside her books and taking you on a journey that you never want to end! The imagery that is produced inside your mind is so refreshing and unique. Her stories may have similar elements to stories past (like the legend of Medusa or Alice in Wonderland) but she puts her own spin on it that makes it completely her own. She isn't retelling old stories, she is creating new ones with new experiences, and new adventures! 

Plus, her characters are older so I have more in common with them and it's not kid-like because certain scenes wanted to melt my panties off!! BUT at the same time, this book and her previous works have given me a sense of nostalgia by bringing characters to life that I haven't read about in so long. I wanted to reintroduce myself to the old books I have long since put away because it is like she is continuing their stories by keeping them alive in her own books. 

I know I will never be disappointed with anything she writes and she quickly became one of my favorites, go to, must read everything she writes even her grocery list kind of author!! If you haven't read anything by her yet, I HIGHLY URGE you to do so!!  You will not be disappointed, I guarantee it! 

No surprise, I give this amazing story 5 "I can't wait for more" Stars!!! Oh and even though it is a series, this first book DOES NOT end on a cliffhanger, but you will be salivating for the next book!

Check below for the link to The Collectors' Society on Amazon:

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

{Review}{Giveaway} Living with Regret by Lisa De Jong

I had my whole life mapped out. Perfect guy. Perfect friends. Everything was exactly the way I wanted it. 
That was until that night--the one I can’t remember. It’s all my fault, and now the memories are all I have left of him. Of us. 
My guilt drowns me until Sam Shea steps back into my life and helps me to the surface. He slowly opens my heart and crawls deep inside before I even realize what’s happening. I know I don’t deserve him. 
While I’m trying to get used to my new life, pieces of that night slowly start to come back to me. Lies and secrets shatter everything I thought I knew.
Maybe I’m not the only one living with regret.

I have been a Lisa De Jong fan since I read When It Rains, so when I saw she was writing a book with Rachel's story, I was pissing myself with excitement because after reading Changing Forever and hearing about one of the characters kicking the bucket, I was all like WTF... Who, what, where, how... when... WHAAATTT?!?! I was so lost and confused on how this happened...

So when I get this book and finally find out what happened with this character, I was a bit shocked! But I was salivating to figure out the clues to the puzzle that was the disaster of that night. I was determined to finish this book and figure out the mystery because who doesn't love a good mystery to keep you guessing until the end? One of my favorite things to do when I read a book is to try and figure out what is going to happen before I get the details of it. 

This book was hard for me to figure out, until about 50%, but I was finally putting the little clues together and I knew what the results were going to be. I was just waiting until I was proven right. 
Once everything was revealed, I thought this story was really good. It was written well, in the sense that it flowed nicely, and there weren't vibrant errors or anything but something was just off with the book. 

I kept waiting for the emotional punch of this story to punch me in the face and make me cry like a two year old, but it never came. I know Lisa is capable of the emotional punches because I don't think I read any part of When It Rains without crying like an asshole. 
But with Rachel, there was some kind of disconnect with her emotions and what was going on around her. She reminded me of someone who was frozen with a ton of walls up and even though she should be feeling all these emotions, she was just like, blah when it came to whatever situation she was in. Or at least, I didn't feel any of the emotions she was trying to portray. 
It was like she was an unemotional zombie...

I wanted to feel the punches, I wanted to be slapped, punched, kicked, and knocked on my ass from the emotional portrayals of what was happening because this story was anything but light. It was heavy in subject matter and even though I liked it, I still wanted more. Even with the romantic aspects, it was still a little disjointed and weird to me. 
Plus, I wanted to know more about her family in the end and whether or not they got their shit together. 

BUT the story itself was still really good and I didn't want to put it down so it still kept me invested, which is all I can really ask for in a story. 

Overall, I give this story a 4 "I wanted more emotional punches" Stars!!! If you love Lisa De Jong's books, then I suggest reading this one too!! It can be read as a standalone but the books preceding this one, give you a good foundation of who these characters are so I suggest reading those too! 

Here are the links to the books in order:

Book One:

Book 1.5

Book 2:

Book 3:



Friday, October 10, 2014

{Review} Tied by Emma Chase

In the fourth sexy romance by the New York Times bestselling author of Tangled and Twisted, Drew and Kate can’t wait to tie the knot—if they can survive the pre-wedding festivities.

For most of my life, I never imagined I’d get married. But Kate did the impossible: she changed me. I think we can all agree I was pretty frigging awesome before, but now I’m even better.

The road to this day wasn’t all rainbows and boners. There were mistakes and misunderstandings worthy of a Greek tragedy. But Kate and I made it through with our inexhaustible lust, boundless admiration, and everlasting love for one another intact.

That being said, there were some unexpected incidents in Vegas last weekend that could have been a problem. It was kind of... my final test.

I know what you’re thinking—what the hell did you do this time? Relax. Let’s not judge, or call for my castration, until you've heard the whole story.

And hold on tight, because you’re in for a wild ride. Did you expect anything less?

It is no big surprise that I LOVE me some Drew Evans!! 
As much as he gives off this asshole, cocky vibe, he also has a HUUUUUUUGGGEEEE *aheeemm*... HEART (what did you think I was going to say??)....

Even though he is frustrating as hell, a huge pig, and you dont know whether to love him or kill him, he has something magical about him that makes you lose your mind whenever you are around him... 
(It's probably his penis but that may just be me)

In Tangled I fell in love with him and his piggish ways, in Twisted I wanted to strangle him and then Tied made me want to do both! Some of the things that came out of his mouth, in this story, had me ready to choke him but I was also laughing and cheering him on. 

Tied is really short. Well, shorter than what I was expecting, and almost the whole story takes place in Vegas. There is fuckery, sex toys, drugs, strippers and even a wedding... All the things you can expect for Vegas. 

I laughed, I got teary eyed, I was frustrated and really horny  in most places 
(I mean it is DREW)...

But I loved that I was able to read about the wedding, the things leading up to it, and even what was happening next. I am sad to say goodbye to these characters but I am glad I have the books to keep me nice and toasty at night when I need something sexy and funny to read. 

Overall, I give this book a 4.5/5 "I want Drew Evans to live inside my vagina" Stars!!!

If you are looking for something amazing, sexy, frustrating, and wonderful then I would pick up Tangled and continue reading for more Drew Evans!! 
He's amazing and he knows it ;)

Indecent Proposal​ *TIED pre-order bonus excerpt*

"I hover over her, just close enough to caress her with my breath. “Fuck, Kate, the things I want to do to you…”

Her round, dark eyes drift over my face — filled with love and need. Docile and demanding at the same time.

“I’m yours, Drew.” She whispers. “You can do anything…everything.”

Does she understand what she’s offering? How badly I want to hear her voice, soaked with pleasure, screaming my name until it echoes off the hills around us?


Oh, the possibilities."


TangledAmazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon CA | PaperbackHoly Frigging Matrimony (novella): Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon CATwistedAmazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon CA | PaperbackTamedAmazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon CA | PaperbackTiedAmazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon CA | Paperback (October 7, 2014)
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