Friday, May 30, 2014

{Review} Sweet Filthy Boy by Christina Lauren


One-night stands are supposed to be with someone convenient, or wickedly persuasive, or regrettable. They aren’t supposed to be with someone like him.

But after a crazy Vegas weekend celebrating her college graduation—and terrified of the future path she knows is a cop-out—Mia Holland makes the wildest decision of her life: follow Ansel Guillaume—her sweet, filthy fling—to France for the summer and just…play.

When feelings begin to develop behind the provocative roles they take on, and their temporary masquerade adventures begin to feel real, Mia will have to decide if she belongs in the life she left because it was all wrong, or in the strange new one that seems worlds away

I have to say when I started this book I was deeply intrigued and LMAO at all the shenanigans going on around the trio of friends. Graduating from college and going on a Las Vegas getaway seems like the perfect escape from it all. When the group of friends meet another group of the opposite sex, it seemed like the perfect match up. 
So they did what most people do in Vegas and got drunk together. 

Waking up and not remembering much about the night before had it's negatives but everyone took it in stride, until Mia figured out what really happened and freaked out!!

Her entire world gets turned upside down again, but this time it was from her own doing. She has to decide what to do with the situation she is in and where to take it from there. Unfortunately there is no clear cut answer, and on impulse decides to follow her gut and see where it would take her. 
When she gets there, she immediately regrets the decision because it is not how she thought it would be. Everything seems great and she is having fun playing with Ansel and even though she doesn't know what her future may bring her, she feels that Ansel will be apart of it... 
Of course until one of Ansel's secrets comes out to haunt them...

When Mia went to Paris she had ideals of what it would be like but it grew old rather quickly. After she finds out Ansel's secret she must take everything she has learned about herself and Ansel and decide what is right for her. She has finally learned that her future is her own and she can't let anyone dictate what to do with it... 
The decision is finally hers but she must now figure it all out... 

I really enjoyed several facets of this book. But there were things that left me scratching my head too. I feel Mia and Ansel used sex too much. I understood Mia wanting to hide behind a facade in order to really express her feelings to Ansel but I felt that they were using sex to either hide or reveal themselves and it didn't work for me. I love sex in a story as much as the next book whore but this was a little much and quite frankly, my hand was getting a little tired ;)... 
sort of.. 

Also, I never understood where Mia's father was coming from or why he had such a problem with life or Mia in general. I would have liked to have that explained more to me or even show how Mia's life was before her accident because I didn't get a good sense of who she really was. It said Mia never talked or opened up to anyone but I never saw that about her because she was so candid with Ansel and her friends. It just kept saying she was pretty much a recluse but I didn't get that vibe from her at all. I think I needed to see for myself how Mia changed. 

Of course that didn't change my opinion of the story. I still thought it was a fun, sexy, read and even if I didn't get all the information I was looking for, I still recommend it to everyone!! 

Overall, I give this story a 4/5 "I want to fuck Ansel" stars and if  you have not read it yet, check it out in the links below... 


Bio / Social Media
Lauren Billings (but everyone calls her Lo) has a Ph.D. in neuroscience and before she made writing her full-time job, would spend her days doing nerdy research-type things wearing a lab coat and goggles. She is silly Mommy to two littles, wife to one mountain biking homebrewing scientist, bestie to a shoe-stealer, and an unabashed lover of YA and romance.
Christina Hobbs (but you’ll always hear Lo call her PQ) used to spend her days in a junior high counseling office surrounded by teenagers. Married to the cutest boy in school, she has a thirteen year old daughter, is an unapologetic lover of boy bands and glitter, and also likes to steal Lo’s shoes.
You can follow their shenanigans at:
@lolashoes (Lauren) & @seeCwrite (Christina) on Twitter. On Tumblr! where we post kissing gifs and writerly stuff andWattpad for short stories and sneak peeks!
For official information about their books, events, interviews, movie news and more, follow @beautifulbastrd.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

{Review}{Giveaway} A Matter of Forever by Heather Lyons

It all comes down to this . . .

Chloe Lilywhite has struggled for years to find her footing in a series of dangerous and demanding worlds. Creator, first tier Council member, and one of the most powerful Magicals in existence, she was little more than one of Fate’s pawns. But now, Chloe is back home and ready to call the shots. She knows what she wants and who she wants to be.

Except the Elders never got the memo.

Annar and Magical-kind are under attack. The lives of Chloe’s loved ones, and life as they know it, are at stake. Chloe's the key to taking the Elders down, but they won't go quietly into the night.

This time, neither will Chloe.

I don't even know where to begin with this review. It took me a long time to finally crack this book open and then it took me an even longer time to think of what to say without putting a whole bunch of crying GIFs in the place of the review. Because honestly, that is all I wanted to do at the end was cry, cry, and cry some more!

A little like this... 

Some of this... 

And then finally the ending... 

I was the most anxious to read this book but I didn't want to read it at the same time. Throughout this series I often wondered what was going to happen to the main characters, how Heather was going to end this, and how the Hell could everyone live a happily ever after without the use of cloning or breaking souls in half. I was curious, but I also didn't want this series to end, it has been apart of my life for almost two years and I feel like a part of my family is gone. 

What do I do now?
 How do I go on?

Maybe a little dramatic but thats how embedded these characters became into my life and soul!! I wanted everything to work out and wanted everything to be perfect for all of them and I didn't really get that. 
I mean yeah, they got their happily ever after but at the expense of one and I wasn't sure how I felt about that... I was angry, sad, disappointed, happy, excited... it was all very emotional.. 

Even sitting back thinking about how everything unfolded still gets my heart pounding, goosebumps flaring, and tears are threatening to fall. It was just so much and even if I loved every word, I wanted to scream!! 

The only real complaint I had was that the story itself lost some of the details that I love. I wanted more explanation to the things happening around Chloe and with the Elders. It was small and probably not as important to others as it was to me but I like things explained with details so I can really understand it all. Especially with a series this intense and information heavy. 

Of course that didn't take away from the intense emotions that this book illicit from me, I was still a blubbering mess by the end and I didn't know what to do with all of this. I wanted more... No... I NEEDED more of them, of these characters, 
I just... MORE, I NEED MORE!! 

I still loved all the secondary characters and Heather does a great job with breaking up the intense moments with swoon worthy ones that helps with all the anxiety you experience throughout. And trust me, you will be shaking and not wanting to turn the page because you are scared shitless of what is going to happen next. I was tempted to read the ending because my nerves just couldn't take it anymore, but I kept on and was a good girl. I read from the beginning to the end (in order) and the ending just left me wrecked for an entirely different reason than I thought. 

Let me take a moment of silence for the ending.....




I have to give Heather major kudos because I didn't guess this ending, I didn't guess it at all. But then again, Heather does an amazing job with telling stories I shouldn't have tried to guess anyway.

Honestly, I never want to start her books because I am scared to death of what is going to happen and then, I never want them to end because they are so good I don't want to be pulled out of them. They are a great way to escape and live in another world and this series will truly be missed because I can never read them for the first time again. I am happy to have the books at my fingertips whenever I want, but it is not the same as experiencing it all for the first time. All the first swoons, cries, laughs, WTFs, OMGs... none of them can compare to the first time BUT with that said, I was so glad to experience them at all!! 

I give this amazing series a big 5 "I don't know what to do with my life now" stars...

A man near us breaks into noisy tears as he babbles about the end of the days, and how it’s finally reached us here in Annar. Others join in, and I’m confused, so very, very confused and angry all at the same time. Have these people forgotten that they’re the most powerful beings in the universe? Why are they cowering? They’re the Council—the most powerful of the powerful. These are our leaders, yet they’re acting like a pack of confused, scared children who don’t know their asses from their heads.
Jonah must be on the same page, same paragraph, hell, same word even, because when the two of us get up, his voice carries throughout the assembly hall, all confidence and steadiness I envy in the face of such horrors. “Everyone, you need to get up, dust yourselves off, and remember who you are. You are not helpless. For gods’ sakes, you are Magicals. Act like it.”
A Faerie whose name I don’t know whisper-shrieks, “Those things are here to kill us!”
“Our ancestors defeated them before.” I’m amazed at how unruffled he sounds, like he’s had years and years of practice leading scared people through difficult times. “Our ancestors kicked these things’ asses when they were at full strength. The Elders are no longer at full strength. So, unless you want to roll over and offer them your lives right now, I suggest you get up and do something. Fight back, godsdammit!”
Several people, now on their feet, pump their fists in rallied agreement. Maccon Lightningriver, a gash on his temple dripping blood down his handsome face, stumbles toward us. Thank goodness he’s here to back us up, and yet . . . gods. Where’s a Shaman when you need them?
“Whatever you need,” he says to us, “I will back you up one hundred percent.”

A smattering of people surge forward claiming the same as Jonah and Mac knock fists against one another. There are a lot of people hurt, though, and so much blood. There are also way too many still looking at Jonah like he’s crazy to even suggest we should fight back. Too many crying about how they’re going to die. Too many suggesting we surrender.
“I can’t believe this.” I slam a palm against the wall closest to me and fortify Karnach’s wall. Somewhere in the distance, an angry howl sounds, like Enlilkian knows I’m not going to simply hand him my head on a platter. Good. “We. Are. The. Council. Are you telling me that only the Guard can fight?”
An Intellectual Tech nearby, still rocking on the ground, his voice shaking just as easily as the walls had just minutes before, cries out, “Some of our crafts aren’t meant for fighting! Not like,”—he waves a hand frantically at the small group of us in the front—“you all. We’re nothing but lambs to the slaughter to these monsters!” Handfuls of people scattered throughout the room murmur in frightened agreement.
“Are you kidding me?” I scoff. “That’s your excuse as to why you’re not going to do anything to fight back? To protect Karnach? To protect Magical-kind?” My voice trembles, too, but in white-hot anger, not fear. “When I was out hunting Elders while the rest of you were sitting in your comfortable houses and offices, there was a Métis on my team that has no craft whatsoever. And you know what? He never gave up. He never fell back on how he had no Magic to make things easy on him. He fought those bastards with everything he’s got, and sometimes that meant his fists.” I jab a finger toward the Informer. “Don’t give me asinine excuses. Nobody is expecting you to use a craft that won’t work. But dammit, you have hands. You have a brain. You have an urge to stay alive, don’t you? Use those!”

It makes me want to scream to see so many blank faces reflecting back at me.

About The Author

About Heather Lyons:

Heather Lyons has always had a thing for words—She’s been writing stories since she was a kid. In addition to writing, she’s also been an archaeologist and a teacher. Heather is a rabid music fan, as evidenced by her (mostly) music-centric blog, and she’s married to an even larger music snob. They’re happily raising three kids who are mini music fiends who love to read and be read to.



And if you want to read them all for yourself, check out the links below!!!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

{Review} Nowhere but Here by Renee Carlino

A Chicago reporter in her mid-twenties unexpectedly finds love in Napa Valley when she’s assigned to spend a week with a famously reclusive genius.

Kate Corbin has lost her spark. From the outside, her life seems charmed. She has a handsome, long-term boyfriend and a budding journalism career at a popular Chicago newspaper. But in reality, her relationship is going nowhere, and she’s quickly losing motivation for what she once believed was her dream job. When her boyfriend dumps her unceremoniously, Kate loses all hope of finding love.

With no living family and few friends, Kate confides in her boss. Trusting that the hungry, ace reporter is buried somewhere deep inside, he gives Kate the opportunity to jumpstart her career. The assignment: to interview the famously reclusive R.J. Lawson, a wealthy tech genius who disappeared years ago but recently reemerged as a Napa Valley vintner. The week takes an unexpected turn, however, when Lawson refuses to divulge any information. Desperate for a lead, Kate turns to Jamie, a vineyard hand who shows her the romance of wine country—and stirs her aching heart. But his connection to Lawson is ambiguous, and when Jamie disappears before the end of the week, Kate is left to investigate another story: the truth behind the man who stole her heart.

My Thoughts

So this review is long overdue. I sat here and wrote this review a million times and then deleted it a million and one times because I haven't been able to get it right. I was having a hard time on what I wanted to say and how much I wanted to give away to the plot and if people would stone me alive if I gave a small but big plot point to this story away. It has been nerve-wracking but now I am just going to write and hope it make sense and hopefully nobody will want to stone me to death!

This book spoke to me on a much more personal level than most books do. I mean, lets be real here, there are a lot of books that "speak" to me but this one... this one, was different because of Jamie. 
Now, I won't say what about Jamie that spoke to me on a personal level, you will have to read it for yourself to figure it out, but just know, a lot of what Jamie said in the story felt like he was personally talking about me. To me... through me. He took a lot of my feelings towards certain situations and certain events and explained it how I would have. The feelings, thoughts, how your body feels, everything was explained perfectly and I fell so hard for the story because of the true descriptions and research. 

A book that is thoroughly researched and not just bullshitted is a winner, in my opinion, and this one was definitely a winner!

The story, other than with just Jamie personally, was deep and what true love stories are about. A soul touching love that nothing can compete with or touch. An experience that most spend their lives searching for and never experience for themselves. It was also believable because lets face it, some romance stories are amazing but are a little farfetched, but this one I could feel and I experienced right along with these characters. 

Of course there were times I was frustrated with Kate and wanted to shake some sense into her because she was being outrageous. And then there were other times I could understand where she was coming from. It was a delicate balance that never fell on one side more than the other. 

There were elements that seemed so Renee like in this story. A theme I have noticed with her stories, usually dealing with older, wiser people giving the most remarkable advice about love and life in general. In Sweet Thing there was Martha and in Nowhere but Here there were actually a few wise people who gave Kate advice when she needed to hear it the most. There was also angst, surprises that you may or may not see coming, and then of course appearances from Will and Mia that make your heart swoon.

I can see this novel turned into a movie that is set in Tuscany with beautiful scenery and an epic romance that people can feel through the screen! It portrays so many emotions that a film exec would be stupid not to evoke them on screen. 

It was beautiful and a beautiful story deserves 5 "I love this freaking story" stars!! 

Check it out for yourself: 

Thursday, May 15, 2014

{Review} Behind His Eyes The Missing Years by Aleatha Romig

THE MISSING YEARS is the final piece to Aleatha Romig’s CONSEQUENCES SERIES puzzle. Follow the twists and turns as secrets are revealed, consequences are delivered, and the future is shown. 

In CONVICTED we saw what happened that fateful afternoon at the Rawlings Estate. Now experience the shocking repercussions firsthand. More than a companion, this full-length novel fills in the gap of time that was only mentioned, beginning when Claire Nichols forgets and seen through the eyes of collective men (the HIS is plural). 

In THE MISSING YEARS, readers will see Anthony Rawlings fight for what belongs to him and cope with the reality of his past. Watch as Harrison Baldwin discovers the truth that threatens his beliefs, and as John Vandersol comes to terms with his revelations. Witness Phillip Roach, as he decides with whom his loyalties lay, and Brent Simmons, as he demonstrates the meaning of friendship—no matter the cost. 

As the pieces of the puzzle fall into place, BEHIND HIS EYES CONVICTED goes beyond. This final installment of the series offers a glimpse into the future of the lives that will forever be changed because there was a man who...

Once upon a time, signed a napkin that he knew was a contract. As an esteemed businessman, he forgot one very important rule—he forgot to read the fine print. It wasn’t an acquisition to own another person as he’d previously assumed. It was an agreement to acquire a soul.
—Aleatha Romig, CONVICTED

BEHIND HIS EYES CONVICTED also contains a complete glossary of characters and a timeline that covers the entire series. If you have read New York Times bestselling author Aleatha Romig’s CONSEQUENCES, TRUTH, and CONVICTED, you must learn the rest of the story:BEHIND HIS EYES CONVICTED: THE MISSING YEARS!

My Thoughts

I really don't know what to say about this book. I kind of wish I would have read the other three books again before diving into the final one. I remember a lot of what happened but not everything and there was soooo much detail that it was hard to remember what happened previously, so I was kind of lost. 

So before I get into this review, I would like to say... PLEASE read the first three books or at least refresh your memory because I was lost a lot of the time during this book due to my poor memory. 

With that being said, this book was interesting and I did like the different POVs because we got to go deeper inside the minds and actions taken by each individual. We got a good sense of where everyone was coming from and we found out information that we did not know before!

If you have loved and hated this series as much as I have, then  you will have a love hate relationship with the last book as well!! I am still at a loss on whether or not to love or hate Tony but I do still LLLOOOVVEE Harry and Roach! Even grew to love Brent more in this story than I did in the other ones. 

The Epilogue was amazing and we got a good sense of where everyone was headed and their happily ever afters. This review is kind of short and to the point because there really isn't much to say other than READ THIS BOOK if you have read the other three because you will get all your questions answered and some of the information is a little mind blowing!!

Overall, I give this book a 4 "I still have a love/hate relationship with Tony" stars and you will too when you read this series!!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

{Cover Reveal} Flat Out Celeste by Jessica Park

We were introduced to Celeste in Flat-Out Love and readers wanted more! Well, more they shall have! Look at this amazing cover and take a peek inside FLAT-OUT CELESTE!

Whether you were charmed by Celeste in Flat-Out Love or are meeting her for the first time, this book is a joyous celebration of differences, about battling private wars that rage in our heads and in our hearts, and—very much so— this is a story about first love.. 

For high-school senior Celeste Watkins, every day is a brutal test of bravery. And Celeste is scared. Alienated because she’s too smart, her speech too affected, her social skills too far outside the norm, she seems to have no choice but to retreat into isolation. 

But college could set her free, right? If she can make it through this grueling senior year, then maybe. If she can just find that one person to throw her a lifeline, then maybe, just maybe.

Justin Milano, a college sophomore with his own set of quirks, could be that person to pull her from a world of solitude. To rescue her—that is, if she’ll let him. 

Together, they may work. Together, they may save each other. And together they may also save another couple—two people Celeste knows are absolutely, positively flat-out in love.

There was a knock at the door and Matt leaned in, swinging a brown paper bag in her direction. “I heard Mom made stuffed peppers tonight. Last time she made those, I nearly died from flatulence. I assume she stuffed them with her usual repulsive ground chicken, quinoa, Brussels sprouts, and pomegranate seed mix?”

Just the sound of Matt’s voice made Celeste relax. She smiled at him. “Based on the smell, I believe you’re right.”

“So you didn’t eat then? I was right!” Matt flopped onto her bed and lay down, his long body scrunching up the neat white comforter that she spent ten minutes arranging before she’d gone to school this morning. “I thought I’d take a break from studying and bring you something edible.”

“It smells like a burger from Mr. Bartley’s,” she said as she got up and took a seat next to Matt. “Hand it over, thoughtful brother.”

He tightened a hand around the top of the bag. “You have to guess which kind I brought you first.”

“How am I supposed to know?”

“Close your eyes.”

She did as instructed and felt him move the bag under her nose. Sweet, spicy... a bit garlicky. “Aha! Boursin cheese and bacon! The Mark Zuckerberg burger!”

“And sweet potato fries and a bottle of iced tea, but you win. A burger named after ‘the richest geek in America,’ as the restaurant calls him.”

“You will be the richest geek in America after you finish your Ph.D. Program,” Celeste said through a mouthful of fries.

“If M.I.T. doesn’t land me in a psych unit first.”

“You only have this year left to endure. And you will hardly find yourself in need of psychiatric care, Matthew. You are doing stupendously.”

“I’m scraping by.” Matt reached into the bag and grabbed a handful of fries and opened her iced tea.

“You are not ‘scraping by.’ You are assistant teaching classes, excelling in your own, and in all ways performing to standards that exceed even the high ones our mother set for you.” She frowned as he chewed on the fries. “Did you not eat?”

“I did. A Big Papi burger and a Fiscal Cliff. But you can never have enough sweet potato fries.”

“I have a finite amount of my own from which you are stealing. But I shall not complain because this was very kind of you.”

Matt chewed and studied her. “Are you okay?”

“Why do you ask?”

“No contractions. When you’re stressed out, they disappear.”

“I know. But most days I do not care to use them. If it is an effort, then I do not push.”

“Okay. I get it.” He chewed for a minute. “I heard your presentation went well. Did your friends like it?”

“It went marvelously. My friend Dallas took me aside to share quite the flow of compliments.”

“That’s great, Celeste.” He was downing half her iced tea.

“And then I bitch slapped her.”

Matt choked on the drink and desperately tried to clear his airway. “I’m sorry. You did what?”

She cocked her head. “I bitch slapped her.”

“That... that can’t be right,” he sputtered. “I mean, I hope it’s not.”

“I slapped my hand against her hand. Up in the air.” She looked at Matt blankly. “Is that not the right term?”

“Thank God, no, it’s not. I think you mean a high-five.”

“If you say so. Well, either way, it happened. You know I have trouble with colloquialisms, so I resent your shocked reaction.”

“I do know that about you, and I apologize.”

“Since we are on the subject, there is something else I would like for you to clarify.”


“What is meant by ‘nut bag’? Is that a testicular reference or merely the identification of a satchel of cashews or pecans?”

Matt groaned. “This conversation has gotten really weird. Could we just talk about— Wait a minute. Why are you asking me this? Did someone say that to you?” He looked angry.

Celeste picked at her fry. “No. Certainly not. I heard the term and had a natural curiosity.”

“Okay then...” Her brother crumpled up the paper bag and then smoothed it out in his hands. Then crumpled it again. “It’s the same as ‘nuts.’ You know, crazy.”

“Thank you for the definition.” She took the last bite of her burger and wiped her hands on one of the paper napkins. It shouldn’t matter what her classmates thought of her. Celeste would just be strong about this. She would move on.


About the Author:

Jessica is the author of LEFT DROWNING, the New York Times bestselling FLAT-OUT LOVE (and the companion piece FLAT-OUT MATT), and RELATIVELY FAMOUS. She lives in New Hampshire where she spends an obscene amount time thinking about rocker boys and their guitars, complex caffeinated beverages, and tropical vacations. On the rare occasions that she is able to focus on other things, she writes.

Please visit her at and on Facebook at and Twitter @JessicaPark24

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

{Review}{Giveaway} The Forgotten Girl by Jessica Sorenson

Happy Release Day to Jessica Sorensen and THE FORGOTTEN GIRL!
The Forgotten Girl_high
Twenty-one year-old Maddie Asherford is haunted by a past she can’t remember. When she was fifteen years old, there was a tragic accident and she was left with amnesia.

In the aftermath, Maddie’s left struggling with who she is—the forgotten girl she was six years ago or the Maddie she is now. Sometimes it even feels like she might be two different people completely—the good Maddie and the bad one.

Good Maddie goes to therapy, spends time with her family, and works on healing herself. Bad Maddie rebels and has dark thoughts of hurting people and sometimes even killing them.

Maddie manages to keep her twisted thoughts hidden for the most part. That is until she starts having blackouts. Each time she wakes up from one, she’s near a murder scene with no recollection of what happened the night before and this helpless feeling like she’s losing control of her life. Maddie doesn’t want to believe she’s a killer, but she begins to question who she really was in her past. If she was bad Maddie all along and that maybe she was a killer.

As I sit here reflecting back to this story, I am still at a loss to what I want to say about it. It was FAR from my normal read and I was not expecting what Jessica produced. I have read almost ALL of JS' books and with each one I get a new experience and I do not get the same thing over and over. Even with all her romance novels, with each one, there is a different aspect to it and I am always left wondering if this author has any kind of life or is she a super human that can just knock out a novel in a short amount of time. I don't know what it is but if she keeps producing books like she does, then I'm not complaining. 
Although, I do want to go out and buy her lots of drinks and a night out where she isn't sitting hunched over a computer letting characters run rapid through her fingertips! 

Anyway, back to the story. I really was not expecting what I got with this book. It was a lot more than I expected and it was creepy as shit!!! I am also a big scaredy cat and it was probably not wise of me to read this in the middle of the night!! At one point, I threw my kindle down and got a drink of water because I was freaked the fuck out!! When I got my nerves under control, I finished and was left more confused and with more questions than while I was reading. 

There were so many "WTFs" uttered through this book that I didn't know if I was ever going to figure the mystery out and then when it all ended, I still didn't know WTF was going on. I am not going to put the questions I asked myself at the end because it will give the story away and I would hate to do that to anyone interested in reading this. But if I could describe this book in one word, it would be CRAZY!!! 

Now, since a couple days have passed and I am STILL thinking about this book, I have finally figured out what JS was trying to do. Where she took these character"s" because if my  (almost) degree in Psychology has taught me anything, it's people will learn to cope with traumatic events anyway they can. What Maddie did and experienced is enough to make anyone lose their shit and she definitely lost her shit. And then the ending!!
AHHHh creepy as FUCK!!! 

Bravo, Jessica Sorensen for taking me on a dark roller coaster ride, full of WTFs, OMG, this bitch is crazy utterances. And of course, for the mystery that is very carefully woven into this plot that you really can't and WON'T figure out until the very end and even then you are scratching your head asking, "Was this real??"... 

Overall, I give this book a 4/5 "that bitch was crazy" STARS!!! I would give 5 but there are still questions I don't know the answer too and I like all my questions answered!! 

“I’m afraid,” I admit aloud and shudder at the truth. Because of not necessarily afraid of the danger the crying could lead to, but how much I like that it could. My thoughts drift to what the crying could be. Someone hurt? Someone upset? Someone locked up who I could hurt?
“What the fuck is wrong with me?” I ask as the last thought streams through my head. I start to back away, tugging at my hair, but invisible strings tug me forward, toward the crying. At this moment, I’m a puppet and Lily is my puppeteer and suddenly she’s in front of me, taking my hand and tugging me down the bare hallway. She leads through the stale air until we reach the end where there’s a single shut door. Light is slipping through the cracks underneath and cries are flowing from the outside. Pain. Whoever’s in there is hurting.
“I don’t want to see,” I whisper in horror as my trembling hand reaches for the doorknob.
“You need to see,” Lily insists.
My fingers brush the brass knob. A jolt of heat shoots up my arm as I turn it and push it open. Light spills over me. Screams pierce my ears. Something flies at me that’s heavy and strong. Pain. Heat. Tears. Blood. My insides feel like they’re ripping out of my body.
Help me!
Help me!
Help me!
“You killed me.”

TFG teaser pic

Buy Links
Will be sold EXCLUSIVELY on Amazon until June 13th


The New York Times and USA Today bestselling author, Jessica Sorensen, lives in the snowy mountains of Wyoming. When she's not writing, she spends her time reading and hanging out with her family.

Friday, May 9, 2014

{Review} The Deepest Cut by T.A. Anderson

*****Author disclaimer: Due to graphic language and sexual debaucheries, this book is intended for mature audiences only. Fair warning.*****

What consequences would you be willing to suffer for the truth? How much would you willingly give and take for love? 

Ande's life has changed drastically in the past year. Her mere plans to make it through culinary school unscathed are a thing of the past. Graduation is on the horizon, but Ande's life refuses to slow down and let her enjoy it. 

Daniel stole Ande's heart, then ripped it, unforgivingly, from her chest. He left her feeling rejected and alone, buried deep under a mountain of questions. Now he's ready to let Ande see the darkness of his past, but is it too late? Has she moved on? 

Blake is on the mend and his heart is back with a vengeance. Can people really change their ways? Is Blake the man for Ande?

With a new found mantra, and bad-ass friends at her side, Ande forces her way through the questions the men in her life have left her with. When she finally has the answers, will she regret searching for the truth? 

Love and friendships will be tested. Lies will become truths. Who will make the final cut?

My Thoughts

It is no secret that at the ending of Cutting Deep (the first book in this series), I wanted to seriously cunt punch T.A. Anderson's twat because she left us hanging... thinking, "WTF???!! this can't be the end?? This book was totally cut off... no way is this the end..." But, sadly, it was and then we had to wait impatiently for this whore to finish the second installment... 

After reading the first book, me and this author-whore became really good friends. We have similar interests in all things sarcasm and stupid-funny movies. Plus we pretty much can speak movie quotes to one another and know what the other bitch means lol...

So, I was constantly talking to this author while she wrote the second installment. She kept me out of the loop for the most part because she didn't want to ruin my perception of the second book or give anything away. And I adore her for that, even if I was an impatient cow, salivating for the next book. 

impatient gif photo:  mylife.gif

When I finally got this little gem in my hands, I dove straight in. I have been curious for almost a year on who the hell Ande ends up with in the end and it drove me crazy.... So the first thing I did was flip to the back to make sure it was who I wanted and once I found out, I continued reading-hehe-.. 
Yes, I know I am a cheater but whatevs lol. 

When I started, I got sucked in almost immediately and didn't want to stop. This book was so much deeper than the first one. While Ande really found herself and what she wanted out of life, we got to experience everything she went through as well. That doesnt mean this one wasn't as funny as the first, because it was, and there were parts that had me dying! But the serious moments and the self-reflection was what really stole the show for this book. Life lessons that could really be taken in and reflected upon, even in your own life. 

thinking gif photo: Spongebob Life SpongebobLife.gif

We get unexpected visitors, secret revelations, and that whole "what the fuck is going to happen" question still going rapidly in your mind because T.A does not make this an easy cut and dry answer. The loop de loop and up and down roller coaster feeling is still in the second book because even if you know who Ande is trying to be with, T.A does not make it easy for either character to get where they want to be. 

This book was worth the wait and I can't wait to get more from these characters in the next installment!!

Overall, I give this book a 5/5 "Ande is no longer a cunt" Stars!!!! And if you want to check out the books for yourself then click the links below and BUY them now while they are only 99pennies!!!  

If you buy The Deepest Cut, you get the FIRST CHAPTER of my new book in the very back!!!!! A. Thibault... yeah that bitch is me... 
Vertigo is my book baby and hopefully it will grow and develop this Summer for publication!!